Congrats, Alex!

Alex is on Business Insider's AI Power List for 2024, recognizing her for her foundational research and tireless advocacy on behalf of the people most negatively impacted by AI systems.

Read on Business Insider

We need to build our own tech

Nyalleng was featured in National Geographic, urging a distributed tech future: “We absolutely have got to interrogate the question of power. We cannot expect the Googlers or the OpenAI people to understand all of us. We cannot ask Silicon Valley to represent all 8 billion of us. The best way is for each one of us to build the systems locally.”

Read the full article on National Geographic

New publication: Beyond fairness in computer vision

In a new monograph for Foundations and Trends® in Computer Graphics and Vision, Timnit and co-author Remi Denton argue against fairness as the sole frame for identifying and mitigating harms in the field of computer vision, writing, "While this lens is useful to uncover and mitigate a narrow segment of the harms that can be enacted through computer vision systems, it is only one of the toolkits that researchers have available to uncover and mitigate the harms of the systems they build."

To this end, they describe the wider landscape of harms and potential solutions in the field of computer vision, and introduce a framework for "community-rooted computer vision tools in the public interest."

Read more on Foundations and Trends® in Computer Graphics and Vision

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