We launched Surveillance Watch, an interactive map revealing the intricate connections between surveillance companies, their funding sources and affiliations, is a project led by long time activist Esra’a Al Shafei and supported by DAIR, Logic(s) and AI Now. Notice missing entries? Submit them on the website. Used the tool for your work, or have other feedback? Let us know! Explore the full map on Surveillance Watch.
Friday August 30th was the International Day of the Disappeared. In her entry for our Possible Futures series, long time refugee advocate and DAIR fellow Meron Estefanos imagines a world where all families of the disappeared have closure.
A new preprint by Ellen Berrey, Alex Hanna, Kristen Bass, and Nathan Kim draws on a new dataset, the Higher Ed Protest Event Dataset, which combines machine learning and sociological hand-coding of 16,069 campus newspaper articles, to study protest patterns at US and Canadian universities.
Among their findings, "Large protest waves reveal specific issues animating mass mobilizations: racist police violence, racially hostile campus climates, and Trump’s election in the United States, and public tuition, austerity, and labor conditions in Canada."
At our readers' request, we have archived our newsletters with monthly updates here.
A curated set of relevant press coverage on our work, on topics ranging from language technology to algorithmic bias and labor exploitation.