Generationship: Adio on ghost work

This talk examines the challenges faced by platform laborers around the world, including unfair compensation, job insecurity, and data rights violations. Additionally, they explore the community-rooted AI research that's being done at The DAIR Institute.

Listen to the interview

Purple Code: Milagros Miceli

Mila joins the podcast to talk both about her life as a sociologist and computer scientist researching data workers, but also her experience as a woman, migrant, and mother and containing those identities alongside and within her work.

Listen to the interview

Tech Won't Save Us: Don't fall for the AI hype

Timnit joins Paris Marx to talk about misleading framings of artificial intelligence, her experience of getting fired by Google in a very public way, and why we need to avoid getting distracted by all the hype around ChatGPT and AI image tools. (TWSU's most-listened to episode of 2023!)

Listen to the interview on Tech Won't Save Us

Reimagining the Internet: Timnit Gebru looks at corporate AI and sees a lot of bad science

Timnit talks to the UMass-Amherst based podcast Reimagining the Internet about how we can build just, useful machine learning tools while saying no to harmful AI.

Listen to the interview on Reimagining the Internet

The Privacy Whisperer: Understanding LLMs and breaking down the hype

Alex and Mystery AI Hype Theater 3000 co-host Emily M. Bender talk to Luiza Jarovsky about the dangers of overhyped language models and chatbots, and the privacy and fairness implications of badly applied AI technologies.

Watch the interview on YouTube

Deep Learning Indaba 2023 Keynote Address

Timnit describes the #TeamHuman, community rooted AI research philosophy.

Watch the talk

Understanding bias in artificial intelligence

Dylan speaks about how AI encodes human biases at Seattle's Museum of History and Industry.

Watch the talk on YouTube

FAccT'23 Keynote: The humans behind the intelligence

Alex moderated and Krystal participated in this keynote talk at the 2023 ACM conference on Fairness, Accountability and Transparency, in conversation with data workers.

Watch the talk on YouTube

Freedom Unfinished: Algorithmic injustice

Alex joins ACLUM executive director Carol Rose and Technology for Liberty program director Kade Crockford to talk about how algorithms can deepen existing structural inequities and how both AI and tech writ large can be built more inclusively.

Listen to the episode on Buzzsprout

Imagining Otherwise: Asmelash Teka Hadgu

Asme talks about his work on AI ethics for DAIR and language technology for Lesan in this lecture series for the Architectural Association School of Architecture.

Watch the talk on YouTube

AI and automating knowledge inequity

Alex, Mila and Dylan join the Unsettling Knowledge Inequities podcast to talk about the implications of widespread, uncritical use of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies, particularly in replicating and worsening existing inequities.

Listen to interview

The fight for “ethical AI” and the hidden laborers behind artificial intelligence

Timnit and Adrienne talk to KQED Forum about the exploited workers whose underpaid and precarious labor powers artificial intelligence technologies.

Listen to interview on KQED