Stochastic Parrots Day: March 17, 2023

Since the publication of On the Dangers of Stochastic Parrots: Can Language Models Be Too Big?🦜nearly three years ago, many of the harms the paper has warned about and more, have unfortunately occurred. From exploited workers filtering hateful content, to an engineer claiming that chatbots are sentient, the harms are only accelerating. The listed co-authors of the paper and various guests reflected on what happened in the world of LLMs, in the two years since the paper's publication.

Audio paper

Do you prefer an audio version of the paper? You're in luck because our paper has now been released in audio format. Take a listen.

Listen on SoundCloud

On the Perils of Parrots

Spritewrench created this fun game based on our stochastic parrots paper! Try out the game and/or buy it on the Steam website.

Play the game on Spritewrench's website

Is My Toddler a Stochastic Parrot?

Angie Wang's illustrated essay for the New Yorker, wondering whether her child's early attempts at speech were the same as LLMs, was a finalist for the 2024 Pulitzer Prize. "A toddler has a life, and learns language to describe it. An L.L.M. learns language but has no life of its own to describe," she writes.

Read On The New Yorker's Website

French translation

Here is a summary of our paper translated into Français/French, by @CortexNihilo.

Read on Thread Reader

Stochastic Parrots Day reading list

The 3,300 hundred attendees and us apparently discussed 137 works! Thanks to Mirabelle Jones, this reading list is now assembled in a doc that you can read.

Read the Google doc

Science for the People's Article

Esther Sánchez García and Michael Gasser wrote an article in Spanish for Science for the People summarizing our paper.

Read here

Stochasitic Parrot Hoodie?

Mark Riedl, who also was a panelist in our Stochastic Parrots Day events, designed a Stochastic Parrot hoodie, with proceeds donated to the ACLU.

Get yours here

Stochasitic Parrot Sticker?

Speaking of merch, Ruth Starkman designed Stochastic Parrots stickers. She might have some left!

Ask her on twitter

Stephen Fry Talks about Stochastic Parrots!

We've gone mainstream. Stephen Fry talks about Stochastic Parrots, and even mentions Emily by name!

Watch here

You Are Not a Parrot

While writing this thorough profile of Emily for New York Magazine, Elizabeth Weil reminds us that we are not parrots!

Read here

Stochastic Parrots is AI Related Word of 20223!

The American Dialect Society named "Stochastic Parrots" AI related word of the year. Read this Wall Street Journal article by Ben Zimmer to learn more about the phrase Stochastic Parrots.

Read here

We Warned About "Sentient AI"

Timnit and Margaret wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post reminding everyone that they had warned Google that people could believe its LLMs were sentient.

Read here

More Media Coverage

Emily has curated a list of additional media coverage on stochastic parrots.

Read here

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