
Peer reviewed papers


The TESCREAL bundle: Eugenics and the promise of utopia through artificial general intelligence. First Monday.

Beyond Fairness in Computer Vision: A Holistic Approach to Mitigating Harms and Fostering Community-Rooted Computer Vision Research. Foundations and Trends® in Computer Graphics and Vision. [PDF]


We try to empower them” – Exploring Future Technologies to Support Migrant Jobseekers. FAccT.

The Subjects and Stages of AI Dataset Development: A Framework for Dataset Accountability. Ohio State Tech Law Journal.

Much Ado About Gender: Current Practices and Future Recommendations for Appropriate Gender-Aware Information Access. CHIIR.

Mobilizing Social Media Data: Reflections of a Researcher Mediating between Data and Organization. CHI.

Constructing Relational and Verifiable Protest Event data: Four Challenges and Some Solutions. Mobilization.

Labour, Automation, and Human-Machine Communication. The SAGE Handbook of Human-Machine Communication.

AI Art and its Impact on Artists. AIES. Spanish version translated by Arte es Ética.

Combating Harmful Hype in Natural Language Processing. PML4DC workshop at ICLR. (news coverage).

AI and Inequality in Hiring and Recruiting: A Field Scan. SSOAR.

AI for Whom? Shedding Critical Light on AI for Social Good. NeurIPS Computational Sustainability Workshop.


A Human Rights-Based Approach to Responsible AI. EAAMO.

Algorithmic Tools in Public Employment Services. Best student paper at FAccT!

CrowdWorkSheets: Accounting for Individual and Collective Identities Underlying Crowdsourced Dataset Annotation. FAccT.

Black Protests in the United States, 1994 to 2010. Sociological Science.

Documenting Data Production Processes: A Participatory Approach for Data Work. CSCW.

Constructing Relational and Verifiable Protest Event Data: Four Challenges and Some Solutions. Mobilization.

Documenting Data Production Processes. CSCW.

The Data-Production Dispositif. CSCW. Blog Post. Honorable Mention, Impact Award, and Methods Award!

When is Machine Learning Data Good?: Valuing in Public Health Datafication. CHI.


Constructing a Visual Dataset to Study the Effects of Spatial Apartheid in South Africa. NeurIPS Datasets and Benchmarks Track.

Datasheets for Datasets Video. CACM.

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