'Overlooked' workers who train AI can face harsh conditions, advocates say

Krystal talks to ABC News about the human labor that goes into training AI, including her own experience as a gig worker, and the precarity many face despite the necessity of this work to tech company profits.

Read the full article from ABC News

‘Hype and Magical Thinking’: The AI Healthcare Boom Is Here

Elaine talks about the ways AI currently fails to serve patients, both through missing context and the embedded biases of its training data. "And, as Nsoesie observes, perhaps we can entirely reframe the opportunity AI poses in health care. Instead of trying to measure the biological qualities of individuals with machines, we might deploy those models to learn something about entire regions and communities."

Read the full article from Rolling Stone

Africa's push to regulate AI starts now

Nyalleng: "If it works with people and works for people, then it has to be regulated.”

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How satellite images and AI could help fight spatial apartheid in South Africa

Our spatial apartheid work was featured in MIT Technology Review!

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‘Stochastic Parrot’: A Name for AI That Sounds a Bit Less Intelligent

Stochastic Parrots is AI Related Word of the 2023! Read this article on the origins of the word.

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The AI startup outperforming Google Translate in Ethiopian languages

Asme: "Chatbots like ChatGPT are utterly broken or useless for these languages."

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These Women Tried to Warn Us About AI

Timnit and Safiya were featured in this Rolling Stone article that reached more than 1 million readers.

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An interview with Krystal Kauffman, lead organizer of Turkopticon

Remote Mechanical Turk workers are responsible for training artificial intelligence algorithms and completing other data-related business processes - we hear about the workplace issues they face.

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Meron Die einsame Jägerin der Menschenhändler

Article in German about our fellow Meron Estefanos. The English translation of the title is The lonely huntress of human traffickers.

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Announcing the 2023 Just Tech Fellows

Our fellow, Adrienne Williams, has won a Just Tech fellowship. Read her project description here.

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The Human Labor Powering AI Engines

Dylan Baker joins Sarah Roberts to discuss the exploited labor fueling AI systems.

Listen to the interview

Potentially Useful, but Error-Prone: ChatGPT on the Black Tech Ecosystem

In this interview, Asmelash Teka breaks down how ChatGPT fails to serve Black people around the world.

Read the article on The Plug

Taming the algorithms: The future is being coded now. Will it include us?

DAIR was the cover story of issue 9 of The Continent.

Read the article on The Continent

We need to examine the beliefs of today’s tech luminaries

This article in the Financial Times breaks down the TESCREAL bundle of idoelogies driving the race to attempt to build "artificial general intelligence."

Read the article on the Financial Times

Generative AI: What's all the hype about?

Alex was on NPR's Market place discussing what generative AI is and isn't.

Listen to the interview on NPR

Get a clue, says panel about buzzy AI tech: It’s being ‘deployed as surveillance’

Alex and other panelists at a Bloomberg conference in San Francisco remind the audience that AI is primarily being used for surveillance purposes.

Read the article on TechCrunch

Inside the AI factory: the humans that make tech seem human

Mila's work was discussed in this article detailing the labor exploitation fueling AI systems.

Read the article on The Verge

Can AI Avoid Bias?

Alex was on Bloomberg TV discussing bias and AI.

Watch interview

After the Whistle Blows

After the Whistle Blows: Silicon Valley likes to celebrate and lionize disruptors. But for women in the tech industry who speak out, there can be a high price to pay for rocking the boat.

Read the article on Harper's Bazaar

Trabajos repetitivos y mal pagados, la otra cara del avance de la Inteligencia Artificial

Adrienne, Mila and Timnit's works were discussed in this article detailing the labor exploitation fueling AI systems.

Read the article on El Economista

How the AI industry profits from catastrophe

Mila's work is discussed in this article discussing how the AI industry exploits labor.

Read the article on MIT Technology Review

Alex Hanna left Google to try to save AI’s future

After her departure, she joined Timnit Gebru’s Distributed AI Research Institute, and work is well underway.

Read the article on MIT Technology Review

AI researcher Timnit Gebru explains why large language models like ChatGPT have inherent bias and calls for oversight in the tech

Timnit appeared on the CBS show 60 minutes, to discuss the dangers of large language models.

Watch the interview on CBS

Google fired its star AI researcher one year ago. Now she’s launching her own institute

The Washington Post covered DAIR's launch.

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